Meet the Team

Christian Kielinger

Christian Kielinger

Christian studied BSc Environmental Earth Science and a MSc in Environmental Change, Impact and Adaptation. During his studies he developed an interest in climate change, peatlands, biodiversity and natural disasters. Christian worked with the National Trust for his undergraduate dissertation assessing the balance of biomass and biodiversity within two National Trust sites (Hatfield Forest and Wimpole Estate) using the Forestry Commissions Woodland Carbon Code: Carbon Assessment Protocol to create a sustainable woodland management plan for each site and was awarded a first class for this project. Christian went on to complete a master’s degree where he worked with the Pwllpeiran Upland Research Centre for his dissertation to detect prehistoric chemical signals of proximal and distil metal use from an ombrotrophic peatbog in the uplands of mid Wales. He was awarded a distinction for this project.

Lowland Agricultural Peat Water Discovery Pilot Project Officer

Fenland SOIL

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