We are excited to present our 2025 Conference – an interactive two day cross-industry event to bring together those with an interest in the future of Lowland Agricultural Peat.
To find out more and to book your place head to the Eventbrite link below and keep an eye out for stories here on our website.
Fenland SOIL is a not for profit members organisation that aims to inform and develop ‘whole farm’ land use policies, aimed at achieving climate change mitigation and biodiversity enhancement in the Fens, and to help establish an agreed set of numbers for GHG emissions for deep, shallow and wasted peat soils.
Combining nature and conservation to allow a holistic view of land use across the Fens.
Establish agreed figures for emission factors from deep, shallow and wasted peat.
Evaluate long term mitigation of how meeting Net Zero can affect business and the Fen Economy.
Fenland SOIL was set up in 2021 as part of the work carried out by the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority’s Independent Commission on Climate as a dedicated team with farmers at its core to tackle climate issues relating to agriculture and peat in the Fens. We hope that by acting as a united front and showing proactivity we will be able to positively influence and help shape policy so that it is fair and realistic for those that will be implementing it. We feel that ‘the best defence for farming is to stop being so defensive’.
Supported by the industry for our farms, our environment and our future.
Fenland SOIL is a not for profit organisation that aims to inform and develop ‘whole farm’ land use policies, to achieve climate change mitigation and biodiversity enhancement in the Fens.
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